The intangibility and generally loose requirements of web design can make it difficult to achieve a design that is both visually and functionally sound.
The process of designing a website or app can be long and difficult if you're new to the world of design. That's why it's recommended to have many tools at your disposal to make the process a lot easier.
So what are the things you should think about before building your wireframes? Check out these 10 tips that will help you become a better UX designer.
What are the 10 rules of good UI design?
When you design a user interface (UI), there are some basic principles that you need to follow. These principles are not only useful for the purpose of creating good UI, but they also help in making the interface easy to use and understand.
Below are 10 rules that you should follow while designing a user interface:
1. Use a grid to align elements
The most important thing to do when designing a website is to create a grid. It will be the basis of everything else you do.
Grids are useful for structuring content, defining relationships between pieces of content, and helping users navigate your site. They help designers create order from chaos and make it easier for users to scan their screens for the information they want.

Grids can be simple (like a table) or complex (like those used in print design). They can be flexible (an elastic grid) or rigid (a fixed grid). The most important thing is that you choose something that works for you and your project and stick with it throughout its development process.
Create balance and symmetry in their app's layout by using multiple rows, columns or grids that are smaller than the entire screen.
2. Design with one template

This rule is basically about consistency and familiarity. You should try using a single template for all your web pages, so that users can easily recognize them and know where they are at any given time. If you have different templates for different pages, then you might confuse your visitors and frustrate them with your inconsistency in design.
3. Use color to communicate

Color is a powerful tool that can influence how people feel about your product and company. Using appropriate colors can make your site more attractive and engaging; while using the wrong colors can make people feel uneasy or uninterested in your site.
The right combination of colors can help you convey an emotion or message that aligns with your brand’s personality.
For example, if you want to create an inviting atmosphere, try using warm shades like red and orange – these are commonly associated with warmth and comfort.
If you want your users to feel calm and collected at all times, try cool shades like blue and green – these are commonly associated with serenity and peace.

4. Use typography to communicate
Typography is not only about choosing which font to use but also how each letter looks like — its size and weight, spacing between letters and words etc. Good typography is easy to read, gives information about what kind of text this is (e-mail address? date? phone number?) and helps you create a clear hierarchy on your site (for example by putting titles in bigger fonts than body copy).

5. Don't mess with the user's head

The first and most important rule is to make your UI intuitive. A good user interface is one that makes sense to users. For example, if you place an icon on the left side of an image, it will be assumed by users that clicking on the icon will enlarge the image. If you want to change this behavior, then you need to provide clear instructions to them about how they can enlarge the image.
6. Make the interface consistent and predictable

Apart from making your UI intuitive, consistency is another important factor in creating a good user experience. It helps users learn new features faster and makes them feel comfortable using your product or service. Consistency also helps people who are new to a product or service get accustomed to using it easily because they know where they can find certain features or what buttons do what actions when clicked on them
7. Use white space to make things easier on the eye
One of the best ways to use color effectively is by using white space (or negative space) in between different elements on your page. This gives users' eyes a resting place when they look at your design and helps them navigate through content more easily.

In fact, according to research by Nielsen Norman Group, websites with more white space are more popular among users than those with crowded layouts because they make it easier for people to read and scan pages quickly without getting distracted by other elements around them.
8. Be consistent with your icons and buttons

The color of your icons and buttons can help you communicate with users. For example, if you have a button that says "Sign In," you can change the color to red when the user is not signed in.
Be consistent with your icons and buttons. You don't want to use three different colors for three different things. If you're using a blue button, use it for all your buttons, or at least make them similar enough so they can be grouped together.
Use color to draw attention to important information or elements on your site. For example, if you have a lot of text on your website, highlight important pieces of information with different colors so users will see it easily.
Use color to guide people through your content. If you want people to read more about one subject than another, use blue for the first topic and red for the second topic. When designing for mobile devices, use color contrast to make text readable on different backgrounds (for example, black text on white background).
9. Make sure the user knows where they are at all times
When your users are on your website, they should know where they are at all times. With a good UI design, they will have no trouble navigating through the site.
The main thing to keep in mind is that the user's focus should be on the content. This can be done by using color to communicate with them.

Color is one of the most important aspects of any design, whether it's web or print. It evokes emotions, creates moods and makes people feel certain ways about things. Color can be used to make your website look more modern or traditional depending on what you want to achieve.
10. Design for humans
The third rule of good UI design is to make it aesthetic. This is not as easy as it sounds — beauty is in the eye of the beholder — but there are some guidelines that can help you achieve an aesthetically pleasing interface:
• Use images that relate directly to what they represent. For example, don't use an image of a car if the user's goal is to find a restaurant.
• Limit distractions and noise. Remove anything that isn't essential or doesn't add value for your users; don't clutter your interface with unnecessary elements or animations just because they look nice (although they might look nice).
• Keep things simple and clean; don't overcrowd screens with too many options or controls; don't use too many fonts/font sizes in one page/screen as this may cause confusion for some user
After this article, I strongly encourage you to take some time to explore each of these topics in more detail. These ten things will get your design off on the right foot and eliminate a lot of the uncertainty that designers face when they begin a new project. And there are many more things that you'll learn during your career. But these ten are some of the most important, and it's well worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with them before you delve deeper into your next project.